On August 9, 2017, the Dallas City Council initiated and approved a resolution to reject the Trinity Parkway Alternative 3C as the City of Dallas' locally preferred alternative for the Trinity Parkway. Federal, State and Regional partners have been notified.
Trinity Parkway Alternative 3C

Since the 1970s, the City of Dallas has contemplated various "river freeway" scenarios. In April 2015, through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Record of Decision for the Trinity Parkway from IH-35/SH-183 to US-175/SH310, FHWA selected Alternative 3C as the build option for the project.
In 2015 prior to the August 9, 2017 decision, the City Council approved the re-programming of the remaining $47,700,000 1998 Bond Proposition Funds with stipulations that the funds not be used for any road that is greater than a four-lane parkway. The funds were to be utilized for the development of recreation and environmental components for the planned Trinity River Recreation Area.
The Trinity Parkway has been a component of the Balanced Vision Plan since the plan was originally approved in 2003 by the then seated Dallas City Council. Plans will be advanced currently, for the Balanced Vision Plan's environmental and recreational components in the downtown corridor area of the Dallas Floodway. Focus is on the creation of The Harold Simmons Park with potential funding of $50 million to be given to the City of Dallas by Annette Simmons, the widow of Mr. Simmons.
The Trinity Parkway was identified in the 1998 Trinity Parkway Corridor Major Transportation Investment Study, prepared by TxDOT, as a reliever route and much needed addition to Dallas' transportation system. It was originally envisioned as a 6/4 lane toll road, extending 8.5 miles, from SH 183/IH-35 in the north, down to US 175 in the south. It will have a capacity of 100,000 vehicles per day.
The Trinity Parkway Record of Decision 2015 has been received from the Federal Highway Administration regarding the development of the preferred Alternative 3C alignment for the Trinity Parkway on April 2, 2015. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers signed the Record of Decision (ROD) from the Modified Dallas Floodway Project Record of Decision April 2015. These key federal approvals could have potentially facilitated the start of construction for amenities in the Dallas Floodway such as phased lakes.
A Technical Advisory Committee established by Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings in 2015 explored twenty ideas for the Trinity Parkway Project from an earlier design report that was led by urban designer Larry Beasley. This "Dream Team" produced the Trinity Parkway Charrette Report which was also taken to the public through a series of public meetings in May and June of 2015. The Technical Advisory Committee took all the findings into consideration on behalf of the Trinity Parkway and evaluated their feasibility and potential impacts on the project. Below is a condensed timeline regarding the Trinity Parkway and "Dream Team" Report:
February 2015, led by urban designer Larry Beasley, a panel of experts convened to review the original 3C design of the Trinity Parkway.
April 2015, the recommendations were presented at the Trinity Commons Foundation Luncheon with a presentation by Larry Beasley.
Public input meetings were held to gather public input on the recommendations from the Trinity Parkway Design Charrette Report. These public meetings took place from the end of May through June. "Dream Team" Report
August 12, 2015, the Dallas City Council voted unanimously to approve the following amendment regarding the Trinity Parkway and Trinity Lakes funding. The amendment was proposed by Councilmember Adam McGough.
September 11, 2015, presentation to the Transportation and Trinity River Project Committee. Trinity Parkway and Park Progress Report
October 26, 2015, presentation to the Transportation and Trinity River Project Committee. Interim Report on Trinity Parkway Design Charrette
Late 2015, findings were anticipated from the panel of experts reviewing the twenty recommendations from the "Dream Team."
March 21, 2016, the Technical Advisory Committee for the Trinity Parkway briefed the City of Dallas Transportation and Trinity River Project Committee with information on the recent initiatives from the Trinity Parkway Design Charrette. At the time, the technical preparations moving forward are noted in the links below:
Trinity Parkway Technical Team Proposal (Conceptual Development).pdf
Trinity Parkway Dream Team Report.pdf
Trinity Parkway Advisory Committee Report.pdf
Trinity Parkway Technical Proposal Animation Fly Over March 2016
Trinity Parkway Technical Proposal Driver Perspective March 2016
2015 Record of Decisions
Federal Highway Administration
The Federal Highway Administration has signed the Record of Decision for the Trinity Parkway project. A copy of the Record of Decision is available by selecting the link. It was received April 2, 2015:
FHWA Record of Decision
City of Dallas Memo re FHWA Record of Decision
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Sign Record of Decision (ROD)
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Sign Record of Decision (ROD) Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, signed the Modified Dallas Floodway Project Record of Decision. This is a major milestone in advancing the Corps' and City's partnership in reducing flood risk and supporting the City's Balanced Vision Plan for the Trinity River Corridor Project. The Corps' press release and signed Record of Decision as well as the Final Environmental Impact Statement and the Final Feasibility Report are available online:
Corps' Record of Decision Documents
City of Dallas Memo regarding the Corps' Record of Decision
For additional Trinity Parkway information visit NTTA