West Dallas Gateway Pecan



Trinity News & Events


City of Dallas Forestry 

The City of Dallas is pleased to announce the new City of Dallas Forestry website. The website provides information on caring for and increasing urban canopy cover. Opportunities for residents to learn and explore about the efforts underway are listed on the site including information on the Emerald Ash Borer, tree plantings, volunteer opportunities and the recent acceptance of the Urban Forest Master Plan. To learn more visit City of Dallas Forestry 

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FEMA recognizes the City for its Class 3 Rating in the CRS Program

On Wednesday, October 16, the City of Dallas received recognition from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 6 for its Class 3 Rating in the Community Rating System (CRS) Program. FEMA's Region 6 Regional Administrator, Tony Robinson, presented the award to Dallas Water Utilities Floodplain Administrator, David Phan.

Customer Notice - System Maintenance Scheduled for December 15

The City of Dallas will be performing system maintenance Sunday, December 15, 2024, from 3 a.m. to 3 p.m. You will not be able to make online payments on DallasGo or telephone payments to Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) during this time. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. For alternative DWU payment locations, please visit bit.ly/DWUPayStations.  

La Ciudad de Dallas estará realizando mantenimiento del sistema el domingo, 15 de diciembre de 3 a.m. a 3 p.m. Durante este tiempo no se podrá hacer pagos a Servicios de Agua de Dallas (DWU, en inglés) por internet en DallasGo o por teléfono. Por favor acepte nuestras disculpas por el inconveniente. Visite bit.ly/DWUPayStations para conocer los lugares de pago alternativos de DWU.

Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine

The Texas Department of Agriculture has implemented a quarantine for Dallas County, restricting the movement of wood products out of the county. This is especially important to remember during the winter months.


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Winter Tree Care

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Dallas residents receive free trees on Dallas Arbor Day

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Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) hosted the sixth annual Branch Out Dallas tree giveaway event on Dallas Arbor Day, Saturday, November 2. Over 2,500 trees were distributed at seven locations citywide.

The Branch Out Dallas tree giveaway program was launched in the fall of 2018, and because of the growing demand and participation, it is now part of Dallas Arbor Day annual celebration.

Trees benefit the urban environment by reducing stormwater runoff to drainage systems, cooling temperatures, improving air quality and mitigating the heat island effect.

"This program supports city initiatives," said Karen Woodard, Forestry Manager, Dallas Water Utilities. "We appreciate our residents and volunteers who understand the value of planting more trees."

Residents selected a 5-gallon tree from varieties that included chinquapin oak, cedar elm, redbud, Mexican white oak and lacebark elm. These trees are hardy and suited for the Texas region. 

Branch Out Dallas is held annually. The program is led by DWU staff and the citywide Dallas Forestry team, with support from community partners and volunteers who help distribute the trees to residents.