- Get Involved
Get Involved: Volunteer/Corporate Opportunities
Join the T.RU.E. Team to Help Clean Up After the Flood!
Dallas Water Utilities is looking for individuals, volunteer groups, community organizations, and corporations of all sizes to join the Trinity River Urban Environment (T.R.U.E.) Team.
People of all ages are invited to become a member of the T.R.U.E. Team. All members will help with cleaning efforts and have the opportunity to join the action and continue the restorative mission along the Trinity River throughout the year.
Volunteers will assist with debris and trash removal and trail maintenance. Cleaning efforts will take place in coordination with other interested groups or community agencies from the City or Dallas County. The focus area will be the 10,000 acres of the Trinity River corridor which begins at the Elm Fork following the river down to I-20. Call to schedule a date!

T.R.U.E. Educational Tours
Request a tour of the Trinity River corridor calling 214-671-9500.
If you are interested in joining the T.R.U.E. Team, send an email to christopher.mathis@dallascityhall.com with your contact information including name, phone number, email, and date you would like to participate. Thanks, for joining the T.R.U.E. Team.
Other opportunities throughout the year include:
Debris and trash removal from throughout the corridor
Wetland Plantings
Eagle Scout Projects
Forest cleanups, tire pulls and invasive species removal
Tree plantings
Trail marker and kiosk installation and maintenance programs
Volunteer opportunities are also available for these City sponsored events noted below. Corporate sponsorship of annual or special events are open at this time:
Trinity River Levee Run
Great Trinity Forest Adventure Hike
Trinity River Wind Festival
Groundbreakings and Grand Openings of amenitiesupdat
If your group or corporation is interested in any of these activities or if you have other ideas for promoting the Trinity River Corridor Project with a project or event, please call (214) 671-9500 or send an e-mail to christopher.mathis@dallascityhall.com
Volunteer, donation and sponsorship opportunities are also available through the Trinity Partners associated with the Trinity River Corridor Project: