Speakers Bureau

The Dallas Water Utilities Stormwater Operations Division is made up of the following divisions: Floodplain & Drainage Management, Flood Control and City-Wide Interior Drainage Services and the Trinity River Corridor Project. If your company, association or group is interested in an update or presentation regarding the projects, programs and outreach efforts from any of these divisions, please call us at 214-671-9500.

Contact Stormwater Management at stormwater@dallascityhall.com or 214-948-4022 to learn more or request a presentation for your school, organization or business. the Office of Environmental Quality and Sustainability Stormwater Management Division promotes stewardship of the lakes, creeks and Trinity River through Dallas, and works to maintain regulatory compliance with applicable federal, state, and local stormwater regulations. The division performs regular water quality monitoring, and inspects Dallas construction sites and industrial facilities to confirm and enforce related permit compliance.You may also visit www.wheredoesitgo.com.

We're working to reclaim the river.
